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27 -July -2024 - 05:48

Prestige MBH has many years of experience in the rental of luxury cars with chauffeurs for its customer’s personal and professional trips.

Say goodbye to waiting lines or public transportation, with Prestige MBH you will enjoy the services of personal drivers for all your trips in Paris, Ile de France, France and across Europe.

Just relax yourself and enjoy the comfort of your car, your personal chauffeurs will take you wherever you want.


 transfert aéroport gare    
transfers Paris/ airports/
train stations
  Scheduled pickup with
personal driver




  Events: weddings,


Professional trips and long
distance trips

Entertainments, shopping,
restaurants, operas...


Prestige MBH is involved in the greatest events in Paris and across France all year round :

Fashion Week - Roland Garros - Tour de France - Cannes Festival - Grand Prix of Monaco - the Paris International Agricultural Show - Foire de Paris and more....

Discover our services and feel free to contact us if you have any question.


accueil - qui sommes-nous? - excursions - évènements - nos tarifs - devis en ligne - conditions générales - contact -

home - about us - excursions - events - our prices

2024  Prestige MBH  

PRESTIGE MBH 33 rue du Gué Douy 77230 Dammartin en Goele  - Tél : +33 (0) 6-47-15-92-95 - SAS au capital de 3000 Euros – RCS 793 066 424 BOBIGNY
Registre des Exploitants de Voitures de Tourisme aves Chauffeur (VTC) - Atout France immatriculée sous le numéro suivant EVTC093130094
N°TVA intracommunautaire : FR 65 793066424